So Becca had a TERRIBLE connection with the internet for like 3 weeks! So we didn't really hear from her! Don't worry her mama called her mission just like any worried parent and they confirmed she was safe but the way her P-days fell, she was jipped two weeks in a row! The week before that she had her internet time cut short, etc... So NOW we have a letter that she sent to her sister Marissa in California, who just had emergency back surgery this month (she's great now, just can't hold her one year old for 6 weeks) and consequently only recently sent this letter to me to post. :)
Here is the first part of the letter's sentence...The internet wasn't working for a while but then it started to and I had to write the Mission President first with only 40 mins to spare, I only had...
Sorry I didn't type it, I like her handwriting! ;) ;) I don't think it was too sad either so I just left it in! A missionary's life isn't easy!!