Hello hello!!
Short on time!
Lots of little things happened this week. Mostly a lot of finding!
Either new investigators or less active members(: haha. It's been fun
though. I love meeting these people here in Winston-Salem they are
so sweet and polite! It's very welcoming(: I wouldn't mind staying
here another transfer and to finish strong here(:
Santa came to church again and loved it!! She is amazing(: I love her
and feel so grateful to work with her! Her sister Elina is slowly
progressing. She said she thinks she'll be ready for baptism in
August--which is super exciting!!(: I love working with families. (:
The weather has been beautiful here! Here is a picture of a beautiful
day and a members house/sign that be decided not to knock on. Haha(:
welcome to the south!
Love you all!
Sister Knell
Ps. Biking pro because sister Blackham and I got biking every
morning! We are trying to stay fit(:
Monday, July 14, 2014
Monday, July 7, 2014
July 7th Letter - out of time.
hello darlings!
Elina, Santa, and me
so last week i did not have anytime to write and this week is similar.. ha(: sorry!
week we were so blessed to see Sarah get baptized!! She is amazing (: i
love her! when we were teaching her a lesson right before her baptism i
saw her phone had a picture of Jesus getting baptized as her
background. she is so great! she said, she wanted to think about it
all week so she made him her background to remind her to stay focus and
so Satan wouldn't detract her. I love her!!
how was y'alls 4th of July? mine? lame.. haha i've
decided holidays are no big deal on the mission. almost all our
appointments cancelled on us. ha (: but it was still a great day!
we are working with these two wonderful sisters! They are from Latvia. Santa and Elina. Santa came to church with us this sunday
and loved it!! she even stood and bore her testimony in relief
society. it was beautiful. the spirit was so strong. we had a few
members come up to us and say, "wow, she is golden, good job sisters"
we just feel so blessed to have met her that one rainy day. we have
been working with her and her sister almost every day since then. they
both have dates for the 26th of this month. we pray that everything
will run smoothly for them. they've been going through some family
things recently but are still holding strong. I love them!!
loves!! sorry so short!!
Sister Knell
pictures to come (:
Elina, Santa, and me
me in a cute diner we found
Me and Sister Blackham yesterday (:

Service and found a cute puppy(:
Sarah's baptism&phone
Monday, June 30, 2014
June 30th Letter - None!
Sister Knell didn't write a big group letter this week, she said she had no time in small quick emails to family! So just for the record - I'm on it! ;) ;)
Monday, June 23, 2014
June 23rd Letter - rain, pour and shine
Hi there ya little cuties (:
We have zone
activity today!! YAY!! I am so excited! We're going to do Minute to
Win it (: but it is an hour away.. so time in writing is cut short.
SORRY! Here are some pictures(:
This week was great!! Three new solid investigators (: YAY!!!
Santa (sisters from Europe) and Josh (Alena's boyfriend), we are trying
so hard to build a solid teaching pool. Pray that we can have a great
week of finding the elect (:
Hope this a a great week!!!
-CRAZY RAINSTORM (: we look funky.. hahaha but it was a
blast. WE WERE SOAKED!!! POURING RAIN!! Walked in it for 20 minutes..
loloolll.. so crazy!!
-SISTER BLANEY AND I ARE REUNITED! (: Did I already tell y'all that?
is how Sister Blackham welcomed me to the area/apt. Hide a HUGE
penguin in the closet so when I opened the door it gave me a fright..
lolol (:
Monday, June 16, 2014
June 16th Letter - Goodbye Charlotte, hello bug bites :|
My new home for the next six months (&probably the next six after
that) is Winston-Salem, NC!!(: I love it! It is very rural. Not like
Charlotte at all. It reminds me a bit of Statesville & Danville put
into one. The people are great! So sweet, kind and welcoming. I
love it!! It's a slower pace but we still are really busy.
A few weeks ago I got the scary "White Envelope" for the missionaries
with only three months left --I came into Zone Meeting and a sister I
came out with asked if I saw it.. It was a very bitter sweet moment to
just see it.. And then to hold it in my hands. I was really nervous to
open it.. Which probably sounds funny.. But I feel I have been trying
so hard to stay out on my mission.. and now my time is coming close to
an end. Which is a very hard thought. But it was also a very sacred
thought. Inside the envelope is a letter from my mission president
and a pledge. The "Pledge to Sprint" for my last three months. I am
grateful to be reminded how important my last three months are and to
finish strong!
It's been weird coming into an area that has already been established
by many other sets of missionaries. It's even more weird to come into
progressing investigators & one getting baptized next week. It is all
very new to me. But I love being able to hit the ground running. I
know that The Lord wants me here. I know I still have so much more to
learn. I'm excited to see what Winston-Salem has in store for me
here(: (so far lots and lots of bug bites!!!) lolol
My new companion is Sister Blackham. She is from Holiday, Utah. She
is 31 & does fashion, hair and make up. She went to school for
medical assisting. She has been out 7 months. & 4 months have been
here in Winston. So she knows the area really well. We get along
great! She is so much fun and hilarious! She has such a strong love
& testimony for the gospel. I have already learned so much from her.
She is a very hard worker & a really good people person, going up and
talking to anyone & everyone--which I need to learn how to be better
at still {but dad! don't worry! I'm not scared to go up and ask for
refills anymore, I've grown up some (; }
Sarah is the one getting baptized on June 28th. She is so prepared
and amazing!!!! Her mom is a convert of three years and that is how
the sister started working with her. She has the cutest little boy
and the best sweet southern accent. I want it so bad!! Lolol. Maybe
this area will help me get one(; I'm really good at saying "y'all &
all y'all" haha but that's about it. Charlotte didn't help with the
accent-darn! (;
I love all y'all so much!!
Sister Knell
Here's one for the road.. Hehehehe :p
Monday, June 9, 2014
June 9th Letter - aloha providence ward
Well the time has come for me to leave my beloved Providence Ward ):
I am very very sad to have to go. This ward has been amazing!! I feel so blessed to have served here for so long!
I don't have too much time because I still have a lot of packing I need to do and errands to run.
This week was a great week!!
Sister Hong and I have been blessed with so much lately!!
So if y'all haven't guessed yet.. the Peruvian family we
have been working with didn't get baptized on the 24th of May. some
things came up and we had to push the date back to June 14th. The two
youngest are ready for that date but Antonio is not. He has a
citizenship test he needs to take before he had Lily can get married
which isn't until July 7th--which he just finally found out. So we are now pushing their date to July 19th. the whole family!! Which wil be amazing! July 12th
they will be getting married (: I am so excited for them!! Sad I
won't be able to witness any of it.. but I feel so blessed to have been
working with them (: they are amazing and ready!! The gospel is
amazing and brings families closer together and closer to the eternities
(: I love it!!
We also have a few others who have baptism dates (:
Joseph for June 28th he is solid!! We met him street contacting a month ago! I wish I could be there for his baptism. He is so prepared!
Sheri June 21st
(soft date) the elders just asked us to help them work with their
investigator. She is having a hard time giving up smoking. So we think
Denise will be able to help her get through it. They have tried
everything.. Now it just goes down to her agency.. so we'll see what
Darren for July 5th. his girlfriend and children are members but he is not and is now interested in learning more!! (:
love all of these people so much!! so so so sad to leave them, but i am
grateful to have had the chance to learn and grow with each one of
them!! I know the lord is hastening his work! How blessed we are to be
apart of it (:
I'm grateful to be leaving this area when it is at its
highest (: Sister Hong will take great care of it (: I am even more sad
to leave her! She is an amazing missionary!! I loved being her
companion!! (:
out of time!! I love you alllll sooooo much (:
Sister Knell
Saavedra Family (Peruvians:)
saying goodbye to the harwells with the elders. best lesson ever!! tangled lanturns (;
Monday, May 26, 2014
May 26th Letter - denise & e.r. fun again.. (:
hi y'all!! (:
This week has been pretty crazy!! But very rewarding (:
got to see denise get baptized saturday & confirmed sunday (: which
was a beautiful service! She was glowing!!!! Once she cam out of the
water she was smiling ear to ear!! She said, she had no more desires to
smoke or drink her coffee. She was very excited about that!! She is
amazing!! I am so excited for her!!! I have been working with her for 5
months!! So this is a miracle!!! I am so blessed to have worked with
her (:
After her baptism on Saturday she wanted us to go to a
Speaker Meeting at her AA group. It was really neat to see how AA works
and how it helped her come closer to God and then thats when we knocked
on her door. I know that God had been preparing her to from the start
and its so neat to see her from the very beginning to now, she has
changed completely! and is ready and willing to make every change
possible to be closer to Christ! (: She even started talking about
wanting to serve a mission once her health gets better (: She is
So Sunday evening I had a really bad allergic reaction
to something and couldn't breathe. My throat started closing up and my
chest was getting heavier and heavier. So a member we were with
rushed us to the the hospital. 8 hours later we got home around 4:30AM
and slept in the next day until 1 in the afternoon.. Its been a crazy
weekend! But I am grateful for the Priesthood and blessings (:
out of time!!
here are some pictures (: loves!!!
denise & us & her uncle who is a member in another ward
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